Terms of Us

This agreement (hereinafter referred to as 'this agreement') is provided by KYOHEI SAWADA for 'Your Tap Finder' (hereinafter referred to as 'this service'). Please use this service after agreeing to this agreement.

Article 1 (Definition) The definition of terms used in this agreement is as follows.

  • This service: YourTapFinder
  • This site: The website where the contents of this service are posted
  • This content: The general term for text, sound, still images, videos, software programs, codes, etc. provided on this service (including posted information)
  • User: All those who use this service
  • Registered user: A person who has completed user registration on this site
  • ID: The string uniquely held by the registered user for the use of this service
  • Password: The cipher uniquely set by the registered user corresponding to the ID
  • Personal information: The general term for information that can identify an individual, such as address, name, occupation, telephone number, etc.
  • Registration information: The general term for information that the registered user has registered on this site (excluding posted information)
  • Intellectual property: Things created by human creative activities such as inventions, ideas, new varieties of plants, designs, works, etc. (including natural laws or phenomena that have been discovered or elucidated and have industrial applicability), trademarks, trade names and other goods or services used in business activities, and trade secrets and other technically or commercially useful information in business activities
  • Intellectual property rights: Rights or legally protected interests related to intellectual property, such as patent rights, utility model rights, breeder's rights, design rights, copyright, trademark rights, etc. defined by laws and regulations

Article 2 (Agreement to these Terms)

  1. Users can use this service only after agreeing to these terms of use
  2. Users can use this service by downloading it to their smartphone or other information terminal and agreeing to these terms. At the point of agreement, a usage contract is established between the user and us, in accordance with the provisions of these terms.
  3. If the user is a minor, please use this service after obtaining the consent of the parental authority or other legal representative.
  4. If a minor user uses this service by falsely claiming that they have the consent of their legal representative or by falsely claiming to be of age, or if they use deception to make us believe they are capable of acting, they cannot revoke any legal actions related to this service.
  5. If a user who was a minor at the time of agreeing to these terms uses this service after reaching adulthood, it is considered that the user has ratified all legal actions related to this service.

Article 3 (Changes to the Terms)

  1. We may revise the contents of these Terms at any time without obtaining the consent of the user, and the user shall accept this without objection.
  2. When we revise these Terms, we will notify the user of the contents in a prescribed manner.
  3. The effect of the revision of these Terms shall arise from the time we notify you as per the previous clause.
  4. After the change of these Terms, when the user uses this service, it is considered that the user has agreed without objection to the changed Terms of Use.

Article 4 (Membership Registration)

  1. Those who wish to join this service (hereinafter referred to as 'Registration Applicants') should apply for membership in the prescribed manner after agreeing to these terms.
  2. Those who have applied for membership will become registered users from the point when their application is accepted and their ID registration is completed.
  3. We will provide registered users with notifications, advertisements, and other information via email. Please note this in advance.
  4. We may not accept a membership application if the registration applicant falls under any of the following items.
    • If the registration applicant applies for membership in a way other than the prescribed method
    • If the registration applicant has been expelled in the past due to a violation of these terms or other usage rules
    • If it is determined that the registration applicant is registering by fraudulent means
    • If the registration applicant is registering information other than their own
    • If it is deemed inappropriate for other reasons

Article 5 (Account Management)

  1. Users are responsible for registering and managing the information they registered for use (hereinafter referred to as 'Registration Information', including email address, ID, password, etc.) at their own discretion. Users should not allow third parties to use this, or lend, transfer, change the name, sell, etc.
  2. If the service is used by the registration information, it can be treated as if the person who registered the use used it, and all responsibilities arising from the use and accompanying it belong to the person who registered the use.
  3. If a third party suffers damage due to the misuse of registration information, the user shall compensate the third party for the damage.
  4. Users manage the registration information under their own responsibility, and we do not take responsibility for any disadvantages and damages suffered by users due to inaccurate or false registration information.
  5. If it is found that the registration information has been stolen or used by a third party, the user must immediately notify us and follow the instructions.

Article 6 (Handling of Personal Information, etc.)

    Personal information and user information will be handled appropriately in accordance with the separately defined 'Privacy Policy'.

Article 7 (Prohibited Actions)

    In using this service, the following actions are prohibited for users. If a user is found to have violated these prohibitions, we may take necessary measures such as temporary suspension, expulsion, and others as deemed necessary.
    • Actions that infringe on the intellectual property rights of a third party
    • Actions that defame, unfairly discriminate, or slander the honor or credit of a third party
    • Actions that infringe on the property of a third party, or actions that may infringe
    • Actions that cause economic damage to a third party
    • Threatening actions towards a third party
    • Actions that use or induce computer viruses, harmful programs
    • Actions that put excessive stress on the infrastructure for this service
    • Attacks on our site's servers, systems, or security
    • Attempts to access this service in ways other than the provided interfaces
    • Actions where one user obtains multiple user IDs
    • Other actions deemed inappropriate

Article 8 (Disclaimer)

  1. We assume no responsibility for any damage caused by changes, interruptions, or termination of this service.
  2. We do not involve in any way with the user's usage environment of this service, nor do we assume any responsibility.
  3. We do not guarantee that this service will meet the user's specific purposes, expected functions, commercial value, accuracy, usefulness, comply with laws or internal rules of industry groups applicable to the user, or that no defects will occur.
  4. We do not guarantee that this service is compatible with all information terminals. Users should be aware that due to OS upgrades and other changes to the information terminal used for this service, there may be operational issues. We do not guarantee that such issues will be resolved by program modifications or other measures.
  5. Users should be aware that changes to the terms of use and operational policies of service stores such as the App Store and Google Play may restrict part or all of the use of this service.
  6. We assume no liability for any direct or indirect damage to the user caused by the use of this service.
  7. We assume no responsibility for any damage (including indirect damage and lost profits) to users or other third parties, even if we have been previously notified of the possibility of such damage.
  8. The provisions of the first paragraph and the preceding paragraph do not apply in the case of intentional or gross negligence or if the contract is a consumer contract under the Consumer Contract Law.
  9. Even if the preceding paragraph applies, we do not assume any responsibility to compensate for damages caused to the user by negligence (excluding gross negligence) that arose from special circumstances.
  10. If we are liable for damages in connection with the use of this service, we will assume liability up to the amount received from the user in the month when the damage occurred.
  11. If we are liable for damages in connection with the use of this service, we will assume liability up to the amount received from the user in the month when the damage occurred.
  12. If a user causes damage to another user in connection with the use of this service or causes a dispute with a third party, the user shall resolve such damage or dispute at their own expense and responsibility, and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to us.
  13. If a third party makes a claim for damages, etc. due to the user's actions, the user shall resolve this at their own expense (including attorney's fees) and responsibility. If the user has paid damages to the third party, the user shall pay all costs (including attorney's fees and lost profits) including the damages.
  14. If a user causes damage in connection with the use of this service, the user shall compensate for the damage (including litigation costs and attorney's fees) at their own expense and responsibility.

Article 9 (About Advertising)

The user understands and agrees that various advertisements may be included in this service, and that various advertisements may be posted. The form and scope of advertisements on this service are subject to change at any time.

Article 10 (Prohibition of Transfer of Rights)

Unless previously agreed in writing, the user shall not transfer all or part of their status under these terms and conditions or the rights or obligations based on these terms and conditions to a third party.

Article 11 (Severability)

Even if any provision or part of these terms and conditions is deemed invalid or unenforceable due to the Consumer Contract Law or other laws, the remaining provisions and parts of these terms and conditions shall continue to have full effect.

Article 12 (Method of Contact)

For any inquiries or contact regarding this service, please use the contact form set up in the appropriate place within this service or the app we operate, or use the method specified separately.

Article 13 (Governing Law, Jurisdiction)

  1. The validity, interpretation, and performance of these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
  2. For any dispute, lawsuit, or other dispute between the user and others, the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court will be the exclusive jurisdiction court according to the amount of the lawsuit.

Article 14 (Restrictions on Use)

  1. This service uses image recognition technology to detect target objects, but there are limits to detection accuracy, and it may detect incorrectly. Users understand and agree that the detection accuracy of image recognition technology is not perfect (there is a possibility of incorrect detection) and use this service.
  2. This service is intended to improve the convenience of the user's life. On the other hand, it is not a service to avoid risks such as injuries or to ensure safety, so please do not use this service in risky situations. Always use this service under your own responsibility. The service side is not responsible for any damage caused by the use of this service.